My message to all....don't put off your mammogram -it hurts so good!

My message to all....don't put off your mammogram -it hurts so good!

I hope this blog serves as a message board -that early detection is the hope for your future. Pull up your big girl panties - and get your girls checked out. Make an appointment today-(you know who you are).

I also want to document my "Journey on the Pink Brick Road" - because I don't want to forget a minute of it (I think) and I have heard from others that "Chemo Brain" or "Monkey Brain" is the result of the medication that is used to shrink my tumor. I have seen this already - so it will help me to remember where I parked my car yesterday and why was I even parking "there".

So hold my hand and I will hold yours on my journey on the Pink Brick Road (this definitely doesn't look like Kansas)!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Back on the Blogging Band Wagon....

Hi to all my supporters from 2012 (I had a blog - "Cancer Free, that's Me")

I stumbled accross my "pink brick road " and found my blog again.  I think it is time to account for the journey I have been on the last 14 months, but I will jump in the present and go back gradually.

Yesterday, I began a 4 month chemo regimen in St. Louis's Mercy Pratt Cancer Center of Abraxane. While the side effects of this drug should be quite manageable.  I will continue to lose my hair, have some numbness in hands and feet, joint and muscle pain, temporary decrease of my white and red blood cells.  My doctor said to call if I have any concerns or questions - so she is very accessible.

I will have an infusion each week for three weeks, and then take one week off.  The infusions last approximately one hour - so much shorter than my previous regimens.  I'm trying to schedule them so I can continue to go to my weekly art classes that are wonderful at Art Mart - It is the "Healing as Arts" program offered for those with cancer and our caregivers.

I also want to continue to play Mahjong each week which definitely keeps my brain on high alert!
It is a lot of fun, and I'm meeting other Mahjongers in the St. Louis area and bringing friends along so they learn the game also.

Since it has been three years since I've blogged - I'll keep this short so I don't bore my audience!

Love to know if you see this -

As they say at Walgreens -

"Be Well!"


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One More Day of Treatment....

Tomorrow is my last day of radiation and then John and I are taking a vacation to Myrtle Beach -
I am going to publish this because I tried two other times to publish this and I accidentally erased my post.

Thanks for all the support and love, and let the healing begin!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ready for Radiation!

Don't worry I won't be radioactive - even though I will receive 30 daily treatments starting on March 13th.  John promised me if I am a good patient, we can take a celebration trip to the sunny south (somewhere) as soon as I am finished.  That is a good bribe and I will do my best.

I signed my consent for treatment today and then went in to get my cradle for my treatments -  My chest is all mapped out with colorful permanent pens and I got 4 tattoos so if the pens wear off - the tattoos will remain. They are very similar to Lisa Kudrow's tattoos on Friends - I believe they would look like a moon or a tiny star.  I may now become addicted to getting tats!  I'll keep you posted on that one - : )

Great days lie ahead.....I'm taking one step at a time.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cancer free- that is me!

I got a great call from Dr. Julie on Thursday, and she said all the lymph nodes that she removed in the second surgery were clear of cancer.  So only the sentinel nodes had cancer, and she removed them in the first surgery.  So the tumor is gone as well as all the cancer in the lymph nodes.  My scan was clear when we started this last fall- so we have this removed the blasted cancer cells.  I am so relieved - and ready to move on to phase three of radiation.  This phase will be in a month.

Next step is to get the drain out of my surgery site - next Friday in the doctor's office.   I've noticed a little swelling in my arm and fingers today, so I'm doing a little massage and a little exercise and will let me doctor take a look next Friday.

Watching movies and laying low this weekend -  All will be well,


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Surgery #2 on Thursday....

I got some good news and some not as good news from my first surgery - the lumpectomy went well and I have clean margins from that surgery.  The lymph nodes showed cancer in the two sentinel nodes, and 5 others were clean.  So this week, I am having the axillary nodes removed so we know we've gotten all the cancer.  I will spend the night in the hospital which I found out at my doctor visit today.   That surprised me, OK - that's alright.  Please keep the prayer going for a successful surgery and I'm praying that I don't have any problem with swelling in my arm.

I'll let you know how I do.....


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Back to "work".....

Last night we had a nice dinner with the boys and their families at Twin Oaks, which we could walk to from our house. We got to see Samantha and Marie together - both girls are 10 lbs. + and just two bundles of joy!

  I'm feeling well so I will go to the office today for a FEW hours - I have to milk this (so to speak) for a while.  If I didn't go to the office, I would be watching daytime TV and that gets old.  So Wednesday will be a good day!

Two Months Ago...will have a crew cut again in a couple months.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Awesome prayers!

Thanks to the power of prayer and a wonderful surgical team - I am home, had a great happy  nappy and I'm watching Wheel of Fortune just like normal!  Just wanted everyone to know that I am very grateful for your kind words and prayers.  I am feeling pain free, and have medication if that changes.

Love to all,
Picture taken after "look good, feel good class" - (not today)
MaryPublish Post